Dog training

We will send you useful information about dog training, health, and behavior by email.

Trīs galvenās kļūdas pastaigā ar saviem suņiem - ObiDog

Three major mistakes when walking your dogs

Good and quality walks with your dog are one of the most important prerequisites for a good relationship with your dog.It is during walks that a dog should expend most of its energy. But if walks a...

ApmācībaKā izvēlēties suņu skolas nodarbības - ObiDog

How to choose dog school classes

Welcome to the ObiDog dog school blog! Here you will learn all about the different dog training options available to you and your pet. From individual lessons to group training, we offer a wide ra...

ApmācībaVai izvelkamās pavadas ir sliktas? - ObiDog

Are retractable leashes bad?

There is a belief that in canine circles, especially behaviorists and dog trainers, people don't like retractable leashes. And in some ways, that's certainly true. I've talked about tha...

ApmācībaKādus kārumus var ņemt līdzi uz nodarbībām! - ObiDog

What treats can you take with you to class!

It's no secret that I don't like it when people come to class with store-bought treats. But that doesn't mean that these treats are bad or unhealthy. On the contrary, many of them are...

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We will send you useful information about dog training, health, and behavior by email.

ApmācībaSuns sargā ēdienu / Agresija pie bļodas - ObiDog

Koer valvab toitu / Agressioon kausi juures

Kui koer näitab agressiivsust, on see alati väga ebameeldiv. Eriti ebameeldiv on see, kui koer on sinu suhtes agressiivsust üles näidanud. Räägime täna ühest sellisest olukorrast – kuidas võideld...

ApmācībaKāpēc suņiem mašīnā paliek slikta dūša! - ObiDog

Why do dogs get sick in the car!

Dogs (especially puppies) can get car sickness for both physiological and psychological reasons. We will cover both of these reasons in this video. Enjoy! After watching the video, please rate th...