What is aggression?
Aggression is the most common manifestation of dog behavior that dog owners encounter and can cause problems. The word "aggression" can refer to the behavior of the animal, which occurs in different situations under the influence of different circumstances. The dog will sneeze, roar, shows teeth, waringly freeze, throws on the selected victim, bite, alert, insisting on the muzzle, grabbing (victim or…) in the teeth and purina - such and similar behavior indicates the aggressiveness of the dog.
Territorial aggression
Dog wild relatives (wolves, coyotes) live in a certain area and are very protected by attacking anyone who crosses its boundaries. There are dogs that do just the same way - everyone who is approaching their territory, human or animal, or even throws on and bite the "invading". Territorial aggression is equally observed in both sex dogs, usually appearing at the age of 1-3.
Ownership (belonging) aggressiveness
The dog may show dislike if someone approaches his sleeping area or in the food vessel when he eats. There are dogs that protect their rod bones, toys or things that they have cut themselves. This type of aggression is equally observed in both genders, both puppies and adult individuals.
Protective aggression
Dogs are social creatures. If they were left open, they would live in small groups, herds. If even one member of the herd is endangered, the rest rush to protect it. Home dogs can defend their "home bar", family members, friends in the same way. A bitch, which has never shown any signs of aggression before, may change when it is born puppies. Similarly, the dog may change when children appear in the host's family by assuming guarding the new bar for his duty. Difficulties can occur if the dog becomes aggressive towards anyone who does not belong to the family. Protective aggression is the same for dogs of both genders, as is territorial aggression, it appears when the dog mature at about 1-3 years.
Fear aggression
Animals, like humans, are keen to avoid fear and go away from the "situation", but when it is impossible to leave, the dogs move on to attack, protecting themselves. The dog can attack both the person and the animal that he is afraid of it as the only way to protect himself. The dog can become aggressive, feeling the corner being driven, captured. There are dogs that initially show submission but attack as they turn their backs. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to cut your back on a funky dog. Most often, the dog, as possible, bites and then stings away. A funky dog will not always show your teeth and the dwarf before the attack, often only the dog's posture, posture and attempt to retreat. This type of aggression is equally observed in both genders, both puppies and adult individuals.
The aggressiveness of protection
This type of aggression is related to the aggressiveness of fear. The main cause of the dog is the fear that the dog decides that the best defense is the attack. The dog or the man from whom he is scared of the dog first tries to intimidate with roaring and barking. Regardless of the victim's actions, the aggressive dog attacks the first, but if the victim resigns, there is a possibility that the aggressive dog will stop his attack. This type of aggression is equally observed in both genders, adults more than puppies, because in order to attack, the dog must be quite convinced of his abilities, which is not so pronounced in the puppy age.
Hierarchical aggressiveness
Social individuals, both dogs and humans, have a characteristic rules to make it easier to maintain order in their "bar". Dogs are characterized by hierarchy -based rules that determine who is the first to food, choose a resting place or the best mating partner. Instead of fighting for a "place under the sun" once from the time, those below know that above are preferred in all cases. The relationship between dogs and humans is more complex, but it should be known that the dog that considers itself is dominant can be aggressive towards family members. The dog can also be exposed to one family, but be aggressive towards others, especially children. The dog may not like being deprived or touched, preventing him from resting, sleeping, sleeping and kissing, touching paws or ears, cutting his nails, not let go where he wants, bar, try to beat, pair him over, wash, take his hands, pull Behind the neck straps, and so on. This type of aggression is more pronounced in dogs, less bitches. Puppies rarely have hierarchical aggressiveness in humans, but among one -shot puppies. Hierarchical aggressiveness usually develops in dogs at the age of three.
The aggressiveness of sexual desire
Male dogs are characterized by arguing, competing, fighting for the right to conquer a female, sometimes even if the bitches themselves are not at all. This type of aggression is rare. More expressed in male members, rarely bitches at the age of 1-3. For castrated dogs, aggressiveness still remains.
Aggressiveness caused by pain
Also, a loving and friendly dog can become aggressive when it hurts, so it is advisable to be cautious about sick or some wounded dogs, even if the sufferer is your dog. Under the influence of pain, the dog may not understand your desire to care for him and take care of him and bite as soon as you touch. It should be remembered that sharp and electric neck straps can also cause pain and the dog can bite. This type of aggression is observed in both genders, both puppies and adults.
Dissatisfaction -induced aggressiveness
Dogs, like human children, tend to be cases where they are showing their dissatisfaction with the situation through aggression. A dog that does not allow him to approach his excitement can become aggressive, most often against what holds him and not let him down. He can turn and bite in the leash or in his hand that holds him. Over time, such a dog learns to associate holding with excitement, even when there is nothing worrying and reacting aggressively when holding or limited in motion - behind the fence, at the leash, in the cage. Therefore, sometimes friendly dogs become aggressive when the hosts take them on their lap so that someone can enter the house. This type of aggression is observed in both sex dogs, both adults and puppies.
Hunting aggressiveness
It should be remembered that the dog's ancestors are predators - wolves and coyotes. Home dogs, too, have a tendency to chase and catch, for example, cyclists, running people, skaters, machines. They can chase cats, livestock or wildlife, sometimes by catching the victims and kill it. And in these cases, the victim is rarely warned of the attack. Worrying if such a dog's behavior is attributed to human children, when the child's scream causes an instantaneous dog's reaction. Fortunately, this type of aggression is very rare for home pets.