How to help the dog overcome the heat!
Heat is one of the largest dogs of dogs. Overheating is a fairly common and very dangerous problem. So I'll tell you how I help my dog overcome the heat.

This time a video of the second dog in the family. On whether you need it at all, and if you need it, how to get to know the old dog with a newcomer. Hope you will appreciate. Write your opinion o...

Why do dogs have nausea in the car!
Dogs (especially for puppies) in the machine can remain both physiological due to physiological reasons, as well as for psychological reasons. We will both look at these reasons in this video. A n...

Security is in the first place. It is imperative that the car be stuck not only for himself, but also for the dog. But how safe are these leashes, is anyone checking them before marketing? Does an...
Middle for dogs - why are they a better choice?
I have been working in dog care for many years, and one of the most frequently discussed issues is about driven dogs. Over time, I have seen different views. In the past, it was believed that a dog...